Have any questions? 09 478 5500 or derek@astutehealthsafety.nz

Health & Safety Compliance Support for business owners.



Welcome to Astute Health & Safety where we offer a complete range of Health and Safety solutions for any business or budget. We provide a compliance support to meet the requirements of the New Zealand HSWA 2015 Health & Safety at Work Act. Our Workplace Hazard Assessments and Inspections, followed by implementation of Health & Safety Management System and Plans, will ensure you keep your workplace safe. Contact us and check out how your health and safety is performing.

Health & Safety
Bringing Health & Safety Compliance to your business

Keeping Everyone Safe
Everyone who goes to work should come home healthy and free of injury

Free Initial One Hour Consultation

No Hidden Costs or contracts

Complimentary ongoing Health & Safety updates

Complimentary email and telephone support service

Proudly Kiwi
NZ Owned and operated

New Zealand
NZ Wide Services

Why is Health and Safety important?


HEALTH & SAFETY AND THE LAW – It’s Legally Binding

On 4 April 2016, the Health and Safety at Work Act (HSWA) came into force bringing new responsibilities for everyone in the workplace. The new law is part of a reform package aimed at reducing the number of serious work-related injuries and deaths in New Zealand by at least 25 percent by 2020.

Everyone who goes to work should come home healthy and safe.

As the business owner, manager or company director, it’s your legal obligation to make health and safety part of the day to Day running of your business.

The Health & Safety at Work Act 2015 (HSWA) imposes very strict obligations on business owners to comply with the Act and Regulations. Non-compliance can result in serious injury or death which in turn can result in prosecution causing substantial fines if a Health & Safety System is not in place.

Health and safety is an essential part of running a business.

Health and Safety Management is all about having effective formalised management systems in place to ensure that you, your staff and all stakeholders are protected and supported.

Whatever your line of work, whatever your business structure, having a health and safety plan is important. Putting it into practice every day will keep your team safe, reduce your risk, and may reduce costs.

Evidence suggests that any particular industry, small business owners are less safe than larger businesses.

A positive health and safety culture is the culture of mutual trust and respect where everyone works together.

Workers are likely to be more productive when they know they can trust their employer who will listen to their concerns.

Good health and safety practices give you peace of mind. This is important for small companies, as they may find it hard to recover from serious health and safety incidents.

The Astute Health and Safety Management Plan and System is designed to guide and support business owners to achieve and maintain health and safety compliance.

What are the important elements of the HSWA?

The most important elements are:

  • Understanding the primary duty of care.
  • Engaging with workers.
  • Worker participation.
  • Director’s duties.
  • Equipment machinery maintenance.
  • Hazards management and reporting.
  • Record keeping and reporting.

Ensure your business is compliant. Compliance is mandatory. We can help you.

Contact Us